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trying to run this code but i keep getting an error saying "incorrect syntax near keyword 'where'" please assist

        If _id <> String.Empty Then
            cm = New SqlCommand("update tblBill_Items set description = @description,qty = @qty,unitprice=@unitiprice,discount=@discount WHERE id=@id AND invoiceno=@invoiceno", cn)
            With cm.Parameters
                .AddWithValue("description", TextBox9.Text)
                .AddWithValue("qty", CDbl(TextBox8.Text))
                .AddWithValue("unitprice", CDbl(TextBox7.Text))
                .AddWithValue("discount", CDbl(TextBox6.Text))
                .AddWithValue("id", _id)
                .AddWithValue("invoiceno", TextBox4.Text)
            End With


            cm = New SqlCommand("insert into tblBill_Items (invoiceno,description,qty,unitprice,discount) values(@invoiceno,@description,@qty,@unitprice,@discount)", cn)
            With cm.Parameters
                .AddWithValue("invoiceno", TextBox4.Text)
                .AddWithValue("description", TextBox9.Text)
                .AddWithValue("qty", CDbl(TextBox8.Text))
                .AddWithValue("unitprice", CDbl(TextBox7.Text))
                .AddWithValue("discount", CDbl(TextBox6.Text))
            End With
        End If


  • In the OP, the data types for the database columns weren't provided which would have been rather useful. I'll go over some potential issues with your code. I say "potential" because without knowing the data types for the database columns and without having some sample input for the Form, it's not possible to know for sure where some of the issues may lie.

    It's possible that an issue is occurring due to AddWithValue. You may consider using Add instead and explicitly specifying the data type-which is used in the code below. If the value in one of the TextBoxes is null or empty this will be an issue. In this case, it's necessary to set the value as DBNull.Value.

    Both _id <> String.Empty and .AddWithValue("id", _id) seem to indicate that the id column is a string data type such as varchar or nvarchar. However, in your insert statement, id wasn't specified:

    cm = New SqlCommand("insert into tblBill_Items (invoiceno,description,qty,unitprice,discount) values(@invoiceno,@description,@qty,@unitprice,@discount)", cn)

    When a value is autoincremented upon insertion, it isn't necessary to specify the column during the insertion so it's possible that the data type is a decimal that autoincrements which makes it a good candidate to be the primary key. However, invoiceno should also be unique, which makes it a good candidate to be the primary key. Personally, I would eliminate the id column and use invoiceno as the primary key. However, in the code below, I've made id the primary key and made invoiceno unique, as this is another viable option.

    There doesn't seem to be any checking to see if any of the values from the Textboxes are null or empty, although it's possible that this was done in code that wasn't included in the OP. There doesn't seem to be any checking to ensure that a value is numeric prior to converting it to a numeric value. What happens if TextBox8.Text contains abc?


    You may consider using Double.TryParse or Decimal.TryParse instead.

    In the update SQL statement, WHERE id=@id AND invoiceno=@invoiceno it doesn't seem necessary to include both id and invoiceno since they are both likely unique values.

    The following shows how to create a table in SQL Server using VB.NET. It also shows how to both insert data and update data in the table. The code has been tested using SQL Express.

    • Database name: Order
    • Table name: tblBill_items

    Note: The connection string needs to be modified for your environment. See Connection Strings for more information. The table name was taken from the OP.

    In the code below, the id column (in the database table) is decimal and autoincrements. Additionally, invoiceno is unique.

    Create a new Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) project

    Add a module (name: Helper.vb)


    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Module Helper
        'ToDo: modify the connection string for your environment
        Private connectionStr As String = String.Format("Data Source='.\SQLExpress'; Initial Catalog='Order'; Integrated Security=True")
        Public Sub CreateTblBillItems()
            Dim sqlText As String = "CREATE TABLE tblBill_Items (id decimal NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)
                                              CONSTRAINT PK_tblBill_Items_id PRIMARY KEY,
                                              invoiceno nvarchar(50) NOT NULL
                                              CONSTRAINT UQ_tblBill_Items_invoiceno UNIQUE,
                                              description nvarchar(50),
                                              qty decimal NOT NULL,
                                              unitprice decimal(18,2) NOT NULL,
                                              discount decimal(18,2))"
        End Sub
        Private Sub ExecuteNonQuery(sqlText As String)
                Using cn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionStr)
                    Using cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlText, cn)
                    End Using
                End Using
            Catch ex As SqlException
                Debug.WriteLine("Error (SqlException): " & ex.Message)
                Throw ex
            Catch ex As Exception
                Debug.WriteLine("Error: " & ex.Message)
                Throw ex
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Sub ExecuteNonQueryTblBillItems(sqlText As String, invoiceNo As String, description As String, qty As Double, unitPrice As Decimal, discount As Decimal, Optional id As Decimal = 0)
                Using cn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionStr)
                    Using cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlText, cn)
                        With cmd.Parameters
                            .Add("@id", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = id
                            .Add("@invoiceno", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(invoiceNo), DBNull.Value, invoiceNo)
                            .Add("@description", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(description), DBNull.Value, description)
                            .Add("@qty", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = qty
                            .Add("@unitprice", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = unitPrice
                            .Add("@discount", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = discount
                        End With
                        'ToDo: remove the following code that is for debugging
                        'For Each p As SqlParameter In cmd.Parameters
                        'Debug.WriteLine(p.ParameterName & ": " & p.Value.ToString())
                    End Using
                End Using
            Catch ex As SqlException
                Debug.WriteLine("Error (SqlException): " & ex.Message)
                Throw ex
            Catch ex As Exception
                Debug.WriteLine("Error: " & ex.Message)
                Throw ex
            End Try
        End Sub
        Public Sub InsertTblBillItems(invoiceNo As String, description As String, qty As Double, unitPrice As Decimal, discount As Decimal)
            Dim sqlText As String = "INSERT INTO tblBill_Items(invoiceno, description, qty, unitprice, discount) VALUES(@invoiceno, @description, @qty, @unitprice, @discount)"
            ExecuteNonQueryTblBillItems(sqlText, invoiceNo, description, qty, unitPrice, discount)
        End Sub
        Public Sub UpdateTblBillItems(invoiceNo As String, description As String, qty As Double, unitPrice As Decimal, discount As Decimal, id As Decimal)
            Dim sqlText As String = "UPDATE tblBill_Items set invoiceno = @invoiceno, description = @description, qty = @qty, unitprice = @unitprice, discount = @discount WHERE invoiceno = @invoiceno"
            ExecuteNonQueryTblBillItems(sqlText, invoiceNo, description, qty, unitPrice, discount, id)
        End Sub
    End Module

    On Form1, add the Button, Label, and TextBox controls as shown below:

    enter image description here

    Double-click each of the buttons to add the "Click" event handler.


    Public Class Form1
        Private id As Decimal = 0
        Private invoiceNo As String = String.Empty
        Private description As String = String.Empty
        Private qty As Double = 0
        Private unitPrice As Decimal = 0
        Private discount As Decimal = 0
        Private Sub ButtonCreateTable_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonCreateTable.Click
            Debug.WriteLine("Info: Table 'tblBill_Items' created")
        End Sub
        Private Function IsInputAvailable() As Boolean
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxInvoiceNo.Text) Then
                MessageBox.Show("InvoiceNo not specified", "Error - InvoiceNo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Return False
            End If
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxDescription.Text) Then
                MessageBox.Show("Description not specified", "Error - Description", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Return False
            End If
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxQty.Text) Then
                MessageBox.Show("Qty not specified", "Error - Qty", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Return False
            End If
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxUnitPrice.Text) Then
                MessageBox.Show("UnitPrice not specified", "Error - UnitPrice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Return False
            End If
            Return True
        End Function
        Private Sub GetData()
            'get/set values
            'try to convert
            Decimal.TryParse(TextBoxId.Text, id)
            invoiceNo = TextBoxInvoiceNo.Text.Trim()
            description = TextBoxDescription.Text.Trim()
            qty = 0
            unitPrice = 0
            discount = 0
            'convert to Double
            Double.TryParse(TextBoxQty.Text, qty)
            'convert to Decimal
            Decimal.TryParse(TextBoxUnitPrice.Text, unitPrice)
            If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxDiscount.Text) Then
                'convert to Decimal
                Decimal.TryParse(TextBoxDiscount.Text, discount)
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub BtnInsert_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnInsert.Click
            If IsInputAvailable() Then
                Helper.InsertTblBillItems(invoiceNo, description, qty, unitPrice, discount)
                Debug.WriteLine("Info: Data inserted into 'tblBill_Items'")
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub ButtonUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonUpdate.Click
            If IsInputAvailable() Then
                Helper.UpdateTblBillItems(invoiceNo, description, qty, unitPrice, discount, id)
                Debug.WriteLine("Info: Table 'tblBill_Items' updated")
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
