I'm trying to build a simple chess game in python, I've created a dictionary with positions on the pawns. I want to change dictionary into Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN) (the position of the pawns).
curr_position = {'a8': 'r', 'b8': 'n', 'c8': 'b', 'd8': 'q', 'e8': 'k', 'f8': 'b', 'g8': 'n', 'h8': 'r', 'a7': 'p', 'b7': 'p', 'c7': 'p', 'd7': 'p', 'e7': 'p', 'f7': 'p', 'g7': 'p', 'h7': 'p', 'a6': None, 'b6': None, 'c6': None, 'd6': None, 'e6': None, 'f6': None, 'g6': None, 'h6': None, 'a5': None, 'b5': None, 'c5': None, 'd5': None, 'e5': None, 'f5': None, 'g5': None, 'h5': None, 'a4': None, 'b4': None, 'c4': None, 'd4': None, 'e4': None, 'f4': None, 'g4': None, 'h4': None, 'a3': None, 'b3': None, 'c3': None, 'd3': None, 'e3': None, 'f3': None, 'g3': None, 'h3': None, 'a2': 'P', 'b2': 'P', 'c2': 'P', 'd2': 'P', 'e2': 'P', 'f2': 'P', 'g2': 'P', 'h2': 'P', 'a1': 'R', 'b1': 'N', 'c1': 'B', 'd1': 'Q', 'e1': 'K', 'f1': 'B', 'g1': 'N', 'h1': 'R'}
the above dictionary should return something like this in FEN:
I wrote
def curr_fen():
positions2 = ""
pos_temp = 0
prev_value = 0
for ix, value in enumerate(curr_position.values()):
if ix % 8 == 0 and ix != 0:
positions2 += "/"
pos_temp = 0
if not value:
pos_temp += 1
positions2 += str(pos_temp)
positions2 += value
return positions2
which returns
which is incorrect. How can I adjust my function to return the desired output?
As you step through the board positions you are keeping track of consecutive empty squares with pos_temp
The number of consecutive empty squares should be added to the string whenever you find a square with a piece or you move to the next rank (if the previous rank was completely empty).
needs to be reset to zero whenever it is added to the string.
I've made some additions and one deletion to your code.
def curr_fen():
positions2 = ""
pos_temp = 0
prev_value = 0
for ix, value in enumerate(curr_position.values()):
if ix % 8 == 0 and ix != 0:
if pos_temp > 0:
positions2 = positions2 + str(pos_temp)
positions2 += "/"
pos_temp = 0
if not value:
pos_temp += 1
# positions2 += str(pos_temp)
if pos_temp > 0:
positions2 = positions2 + str(pos_temp)
pos_temp = 0
positions2 += value
return positions2
Your solution relies on the dictionary being constructed in a specific order. Here are a couple of alternatives that don't rely on the order of the original dictionary. They both have an intermediate step of transforming the original dictionary.
import collections
def f(d):
rank_order = '87654321'
file_order = 'abcdefgh'
new = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for (file,rank),piece in d.items():
board = []
for rank in rank_order:
s = ''
temp = 0
for file in file_order:
piece = new[rank][file]
if piece is None:
temp += 1
if temp > 0:
s = f'{s}{temp}'
temp = 0
s = f'{s}{piece}'
if temp > 0:
s = f'{s}{temp}'
return '/'.join(board)
import itertools
def g(d):
rank_order = '87654321'
file_order = 'abcdefgh'
new1 = collections.defaultdict(list)
for (file,rank),piece in d.items():
board = []
for rank in rank_order:
s = ''
positions = new1[rank]
for piece,items in itertools.groupby(positions,key=lambda x:x[1]):
n_pieces = len(list(items))
if piece is None:
s = f'{s}{n_pieces}'
s = f'{s}{piece * n_pieces}'
return '/'.join(board)