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Multiple bind_rows with R Dplyr

I need to bind_row 27 excel files. Although I can do it manually, I want to do it with a loop. The problem with the loop is that it will bind the first file to i and then the first file to i+1, hence losing i. How can I fix this?

nm <- list.files(path="sample/sample/sample/")

df <- data.frame()

for(i in 1:27){
  my_data <- bind_rows(df, read_excel(path = nm[i]))


  • We could loop over the files with map, read the data with read_excel and rbind with _dfr

    my_data <- map_dfr(nm, read_excel)

    In the Op's code, the issue is that in each iteration, it is creating a temporary dataset 'my_data', instead, it should be binded to the original 'df' already created

    for(i in 1:27){
      df <- rbind(df, read_excel(path = nm[i]))