I am just starting to learn about identity model and have been looking at the examples here - https://identitymodel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/client/token.html
I'm looking at the simplest example - Requesting a token using the client_credentials Grant Type - and using the example code I have put together some simple vb.net to test and experiment with.
The problem I am getting is that I only ever get back an invalid_client error message.
I'm sure it is something obvious that I am missing but if someone could point me i the right direction that would be immensely helpful.
Dim request As New ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
request.Address = "https://demo.identityserver.io/connect/token"
request.ClientId = "client"
request.ClientSecret = "secret"
request.Scope = "api1"
Dim client As New HttpClient
Dim response As TokenResponse = Await client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(request)
As indicated in the reply by @abdusco the correct code should look like
Dim request As New ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
request.Address = "https://demo.identityserver.io/connect/token"
request.ClientId = "m2m"
request.ClientSecret = "secret"
request.Scope = "api"
Dim client As New HttpClient
Dim response As TokenResponse = Await client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(request)
Thank you for the help.