I am trying to understand how to give an option for the user to choose a non-default payment method / card for their subscription. Please see image below: I have two cards. The Visa is the default payment card. But if the user chooses the MasterCard (not default), only the default payment is used to start a subscription.
I am using a payment nonce to start a subscription. The customer is saved in a different view and their payment methods are validated.
Client Side:
let paymentNonce;
initiateDropin().then((dropinInstance) => {
dropinInstance.requestPaymentMethod(function (error, payload) {
paymentNonce = payload.nonce;
Server Side:
result = braintree_gateway.subscription.create({
'payment_method_nonce': payment_nonce,
'plan_id': tier_chosen,
'merchant_account_id': settings.BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT_ID
Thank you for the help!
I figured it out. My client side code needed some restructuring. The request payment method function was called after the "Confirm" button was clicked. This created a nonce that corresponded to the non-default card.
authorization: braintreeClientToken,
container: '#braintree_dropin',
.then(function (dropinInstance) {
.addEventListener('click', function () {
dropinInstance.requestPaymentMethod().then(function (payload) {
let paymentNonce = payload.nonce;
This is documented here.