I need to find the price for an item for each financial year end date in a date range. In this case the financial year is e.g. 31 March
The table I have for example:
ItemID | Value | DateFrom | DateTo |
1 | 10 | '2019/01/01' | '2021/02/28' |
1 | 11 | '2021/03/01' | '2021/05/01' |
The SQL would thus result in the above table to be:
ItemID | Value | DateFrom | DateTo |
1 | 10 | '2019/01/01' | '2019/03/30' |
1 | 10 | '2020/03/31' | '2021/02/28' |
1 | 11 | '2020/03/01' | '2021/03/30' |
1 | 11 | '2020/03/31' | '2021/05/01' |
You can solve it, but a prerequisite is the creation of a table
called financial_years and filling it with data. This would be the structure of the table:
financial_years(id, DateFrom, DateTo)
Now that you have this table, you can do something like this:
select ItemID, Value, financial_years.DateFrom, financial_years.DateTo
from items
join financial_years
on (items.DateFrom between financial_years.DateFrom and financial_years.DateTo) or
(items.DateTo between financial_years.DateFrom and financial_years.DateTo)
order by financial_years.DateFrom;