I am unable to get call details or call records using graph api.It's saying forbidden in response although I am using application token.In the docs I don't see any extra permission required for this.
Below are the details:
Method : GET
API CALL : https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/communications/callRecords/ce4e4e99-be1b-4c6e-8c43-22308f968d3e
Response :
"error": {
"code": "Forbidden",
"message": "",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "4e603f5c-3ac8-466c-acde-24e40f1d6309",
"date": "2021-06-17T13:51:08",
"client-request-id": "4e603f5c-3ac8-466c-acde-24e40f1d6309"
What is the basic requirement for this do I need to set some permission while call in order to get the call record as I am able to call user through graph API.Call.Records.All permission has been set for record and get data. Please help. Thanks in Advance.
The API works as it is with the same request but the only issue is that it will return response after certain cases. The cases are :
1.The call must has ended.
2.Record has been created in the log of Microsoft which usually takes time.
3.Try running the same API with the same configuration but after around 10-15 minutes you will surely get the response.
Follow the document from MS docs for /communincation/calls. The only etxra thing which is not mentioned is that it return after 15min(approx.) call has ended.
This will help others not to get panic as I was.