I have a table named sampleTable with values like this (please note that the columns can be up to key100, stating a small example for reducing the complexity of the example).
select * from sampleTable;
key1 | key2 |
1111 | 2222 |
I am trying to generate a query which creates one JSON string which can include these column values to one JSON String per row like the below mentioned format.
'{"keys":{"key1":"1111", "key2":"2222"}}'
What is the right way to do it through a presto query ? My attempts are as given below:
Attempt 1
concat('{"keys":{"key1": ', a.key1, ',',
'{"key2": ' ,a.key2, '}}')
AS keyJson
from sampleTable ;
Attempt 2
replace('{"keys":{"key1": $key1, "key2": $key2}}','$key1',d.key1),
'$key2',d.key2 )
AS keyJson
from sampleTable ;
Is there any simpler way to do this considering that the keys can be varying from key1 to key100. For context, I am dynamically generating the query from a java program. Appending strings using the StringBuilder approach in both of these cases becomes complex in case of presence of multiple keys.
The idiomatic way is to construct a ROW
value and then cast it to JSON
row(key1, key2, key3)
. This will produce an anonymous row type (i.e., a row with unnamed fields)CAST(... AS ROW(key1 VARCHAR, key2 VARCHAR, key3 VARCHAR))
. The field names will become the keys when the row is converted to JSON
Here's a complete example:
WITH data(key1, key2, key3) AS (
('1111', '2222', '3333')
CAST(row(key1, key2, key3) AS ROW(key1 VARCHAR, key2 VARCHAR, key3 VARCHAR)) AS JSON)
FROM data
which produces:
(1 row)
Tested with Trino 359 (formerly known as PrestoSQL)