I have this list of dicts:
{"node": "root", "children": ["a"]},
{"node": "a", "children": ["b", "b"]},
{"node": "b", "children": ["c", "c", "c"]},
{"node": "c", "children": ["d"]},
that represents a compressed tree. What I mean by that is this list of dict represents the following tree:
What kind of a data structure can I convert this list of dict into so I can expand it into a tree? I was thinking of unrolling the list of dicts to something like:
{"root": [
{"a": [
{"b": [
{"c": [
{"d": "None"}
{"c": [
{"d": "None"}
{"c": [
{"d": "None"}
{"b": [
{"c": [
{"d": "None"}
{"c": [
{"d": "None"}
{"c": [
{"d": "None"}
Looks messy, but essentially a nested dict of nodes to list of children. Not really sure how to achieve this. Any other ideas to uncompress this tree are welcome!
Ideally, I would be able to throw this into some tree library like treelib
to get methods of listing the leaf nodes, accessing data of parents, grandparents, etc.
First, I would convert this:
l = [
{"node": "root", "children": ["a"]},
{"node": "a", "children": ["b", "b"]},
{"node": "b", "children": ["c", "c", "c"]},
{"node": "c", "children": ["d"]},
into a bit more workable format:
compressed = {e["node"]: e["children"] for e in l}
Then it's quite simple:
def expand(compressed, root):
children = [expand(compressed, n) for n in compressed.get(root, [])]
return {root: children or "None"}
In your example:
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(expand(compressed, "root"))
{'root': [{'a': [{'b': [{'c': [{'d': 'None'}]},
{'c': [{'d': 'None'}]},
{'c': [{'d': 'None'}]}]},
{'b': [{'c': [{'d': 'None'}]},
{'c': [{'d': 'None'}]},
{'c': [{'d': 'None'}]}]}]}]}
That said, I would recommend not replacing an empty child list with the string "None"
and simply have it be an empty list instead (so simply remove the or "None"