I've got the following MXML tag:
<mx:Image id="image" width="100%" height="100%"
But for some reason my completeHandler / progressHandler functions aren't being called. The reason I need the complete event is because I want to manipulate the bitmap data once the image has loaded. In creationComplete the bitmap data is still null. Why aren't these events firing?
Edit: The asset is correctly showing in my application - so I know the asset is in the right location (the embed guarantees that at compile time anyway).
If you're using an embedded asset, the width / height properties are available immediately on the source object:
var mySource:Object = new embeddedClass();
m_myWidth = mySource.width;
m_myHeight = mySource.height;
m_image = new Image();
m_image.source = mySource;
So, you have to create an instance of the source first, then set the source on your image object.