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How can I obtain an Active Directory Group name from a SQL Server stored SID?

This is a follow-up of a question I asked earlier this morning (posted here.) Following the instructions provided, I've managed to query my SQL Server 2000 database for a SID associated with an AD Group. The SID, however, looks like this:


What can I do to obtain the name of the AD Group referenced by the SID? I've tried googling PowerShell scripts, however, most of their examples of SIDs look like this:


Obviously, that doesn't look like the value I'm getting back from the SQL Server. How can I do this?


  • If you're using sqlps (SQL Powershell host) which works against SQL 2000 (I've tested this on my 2000 instance) you can use this:

    $query = @"
    select sid from syslogins where isntgroup = 1
    AND name = 'CONTOSO\mylogin'
    invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "myserver" -Database master -Query $query | 
    foreach {$SID = new-object security.principal.securityidentifier($_.SID,0); $SID.translate([]) }