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How to make a base test class for testing common methods (like CRUD) of different repositories?

If I have 2 repositories, say employees and departments, and they both have the common CRUD operations. Is there a way by which I can make a common base class for testing the common methods in them?

In my actual code, I have

public interface EntityRepo<E, ID> {
    E findById();

Its implementing class:

public class EntityRepoImpl<E, ID> implements EntityRepo<E, ID>{
   // method implementing findById()

My other 2 repository interfaces look like this:

public interface EmployeeRepo extends EntityRepo<Employee, Long>{

public interface DepartmentRepo extends EntityRepo<Department, Long>{


I want to test the findById using Junit for both repos using a base test class. How will I do it?


  • I agree on comments about "This isn't a purpose of unit test" etc. But if you still need to do that, maybe, you can do it like this

    public abstract class BaseRepoTest <T extends EntityRepo> {
        T repo;
        public void testRepo() {

    Then you can create your sub classes like following:

    public class EmployeeRepoTest extends BaseRepoTest<EmployeeRepo> {


    public class DepartmentRepoTest extends BaseRepoTest<DepartmentRepo> {

    Since they extends abstract base test class, tests should be run for 2 subclasses with provided Repo classes.