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MS Access SQL – How can I count the occurrence of a number from one table in strings of another table

In MS Access 365 I have 2 tables and I want to count the occurrence of a year from the first table in part of a string of the second table, purely with SQL (so far I used VBA, but I want to simplify).

The first table (tDistinctYears) contains all the years, in which one of our members paid:

ID PaymentYear
1 2015
2 2016
3 2017
3 2018
4 2019
5 2020
6 2021
7 2022

The second table (tPayments) has all payments from members with one column containing a membership number and the other one containing payment years. Sometimes a member pays for one year, sometime for several years. The table therefore looks like that:

MembershipNr YearPayment
11 2016
11 2017
11 2018
26 2017
26 2018;2019
26 2020;2021;2022
38 2016
38 2017
38 2018;2019;2020;2021

I want a query which tells me how many members paid in which year:

PaymentYear Count
2015 0
2016 2
2017 3
2018 3
2019 2
2020 2
2021 2

I used the following SQL query, which I found using various answers on stackoverflow:

SELECT tDistinctYears.PaymentYear, (COUNT(tPayments.YearPayment)) AS [Count]
   FROM tDistinctYears
   LEFT JOIN tPayments ON tDistinctYears.PaymentYear like "*" & tPayments.YearPayment & "*"
       WHERE (tDistinctYears.PaymentYear > 0 AND tDistinctYears.PaymentYear <= YEAR(NOW()))
   GROUP BY tDistinctYears.PaymentYear;

But what I get is this:

PaymentYear Count
2015 0
2016 2
2017 3
2018 1
2019 0
2020 0
2021 0

It seems as if the above query does not use the “like” expression in the JOIN ON section.

Can someone help me, please?


  • I think you are close just alter column in where condition tPayments.YearPayment should be first and tDistinctYears.PaymentYear should be inside like operator.

    SELECT tDistinctYears.PaymentYear, (COUNT(tPayments.YearPayment)) AS [Count]
    FROM tDistinctYears
    LEFT JOIN tPayments ON tPayments.YearPayment like "*" & 
    & "*" WHERE (tDistinctYears.PaymentYear > 0 AND tDistinctYears.PaymentYear <= 
    GROUP BY tDistinctYears.PaymentYear;