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asp.netsql-inserttableadapterscope-identitytyped-dataset InsertCommand to return latest insert ID

I'm unable to retrieve the latest inserted id from my SQL Server 2000 db using a typed dataset in asp.NET

I have created a tableadapter and I ticked the "Refresh datatable" and "Generate Insert, Update and Delete statements". This auto-generates the Fill and GetData methods, and the Insert, Update, Select and Delete statements.

I have tried every possible solution in this thread

but I'm still unsuccesfull, it always returns 1(=number of affected rows). I do not want to create a seperate insert method as the auto-generated insertCommand perfectly suits my needs.

As suggested in the thread above, I have tried to update the InsertCommand SQL syntax to add SELECT SCOPY_IDENTITY() or something similar, I have tried to add a parameter of type ReturnValue, but all I get is the number of affected rows.

Does anyone has a different take on this? Thanks in advance! Stijn


  • I successfully found a way to get the incremental id after insert using my table adapter.

    My approach is a little different, I'm using a Store procedure to make the insert, so my insert command has all the values but the ID, I made the sp return the ID just calling: SET @ID=SCOPE_IDENTITY() and then COMMIT TRAN and last line will be RETURN @ID

    Then I searched my table adapter parameters for InsertCommand and set the @RETURNVALUE to the column of the incremental ID of the table, so when it's executed automatically put the return value on the id field.

    Hope this help