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Render echart from uploading a csv file

I'm trying to make an app that will render you a graph from uploading a csv file to it, in which you can choose the variables to graph. The truth is I don't know what I'm doing wrong, since the app doesn't render the graph. Any ideas or suggestions?

The code is:


ui <- fluidPage(
  selectInput('mydropdown', label = 'Selección de variables', choices = 'Aún no hay variables a escoger'),
  selectInput('mydropdown1', label = 'Selección de variables', choices = 'Aún no hay variables a escoger'),
  fileInput('myfileinput', label = 'Archivo a usar', accept = c(".csv")),


   server <- function(input, output, session) {
   observeEvent(input$myfileinput, {
    mytable <- read.csv(input$myfileinput$datapath)
    updateSelectInput(session, "mydropdown", label = "Select", choices = colnames(mytable))
    updateSelectInput(session, "mydropdown1", label = "Select", choices = colnames(mytable))
  mytable <- renderEcharts4r({
    myfileinput |> 
      e_charts(input$mydropdown)  |> 
shinyApp(ui, server)


  • There are few syntax errors in the code as well as few logical errors.

    1. You should store the data in a reactive object which can be used anywhere in the app.

    2. The plot should be saved in output$plot corresponding to echarts4rOutput("plot").

    3. Since you are passing character values of column names to echarts use the functions e_charts_ and e_line_.

    Try the following -

    ui <- fluidPage(
      selectInput('mydropdown', label = 'Selección de variables', choices = 'Aún no hay variables a escoger'),
      selectInput('mydropdown1', label = 'Selección de variables', choices = 'Aún no hay variables a escoger'),
      fileInput('myfileinput', label = 'Archivo a usar', accept = c(".csv")),
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      rv <- reactiveValues()
      observeEvent(input$myfileinput, {
        rv$mytable <- read.csv(input$myfileinput$datapath)
        updateSelectInput(session, "mydropdown", label = "Select", choices = colnames(rv$mytable))
        updateSelectInput(session, "mydropdown1", label = "Select", choices = colnames(rv$mytable))
      output$plot <- renderEcharts4r({
        rv$mytable |> 
          e_charts_(input$mydropdown)  |> 
    shinyApp(ui, server)