I'm trying to make a dropdown list to work in Smarty from PHP, the data of the dropdown is from mysql.
I achieved this: Image
But is not working as a dropdown, it displays all data in one section.
This is the code I used below.
foreach ($options as $multiplier) {
$option = "<option ";
if ($multiplier == $results['multiplier']) {
$option .= "selected=selected ";
$option .= "value=" . $multiplier . ">" . unesc($multiplier) . "</option>";
$multi['option'] = $option;
$multiplier_option[] = $multi;
$smarty->assign('multiplier_option', $multiplier_option);
<td align='left' class='header'>{$lang_multiplier}:</td>
<td align='left' class='lista' colspan='2'><select name='multiplier'>{foreach item=multi from=$multiplier_option}{$multi.option}{/foreach}</select></td>
I can't figure out how to do it properly.
Let Smarty do the work for you.
The html_options function will build the markup for you, just pass in your multipliers array for the values and output, and set the selected multiplier.
$smarty->assign('multipliers', $options);
$smarty->assign('selectedMultiplier', $results['multiplier']);
<td align='left' class='header'>{$lang_multiplier}:</td>
<td align='left' class='lista' colspan='2'>
{html_options name=multiplier values=$multipliers output=$multipliers selected=$selectedMultiplier}