I use this plugin to filter my searches.
in this section they explain how to create my own custom block.
function prefix_register_block( $blocks ) {
// 'my_block' corresponds to the block slug.
$blocks['my_block'] = [
'name' => __( 'My Block', 'text-domain' ),
'render_callback' => 'prefix_my_block_render',
return $blocks;
add_filter( 'wp_grid_builder/blocks', 'prefix_register_block', 10, 1 );
// The render callback function allows to output content in cards.
function prefix_my_block_render() {
// Get current post, term, or user object.
$post = wpgb_get_post();
// Output the post title.
echo '<h3>' . esc_html( $post->post_title ) . '</h3>';
the code looks simple, so it's a matter of common sense and a php expert can figure it out quickly.
I would like to add a line to say if slug or term "office" exist in the property-type taxnonomy
then Output the post title
(which I will of course edit to display custom fields)
but how to make conditional logic possible?
thank you for your patience, I do my best to understand the correct technique
I'm not a WP guru, but I think it should be this simple. Set up an array of slugs you want to affect in this way and then iterate through them in a foreach
function prefix_register_block( $blocks ) {
$slugs = ['office','somethingelse'];
foreach($slugs as $slug) {
$blocks[$slug] = [
'name' => __( ucwords($slug), 'text-domain' ),
'render_callback' => 'prefix_my_block_render',
return $blocks;
add_filter( 'wp_grid_builder/blocks', 'prefix_register_block', 10, 1 );
// The render callback function allows to output content in cards.
function prefix_my_block_render() {
// Get current post, term, or user object.
$post = wpgb_get_post();
// Output the post title.
echo '<h3>' . esc_html( $post->post_title ) . '</h3>';