I have an OpenCL code that multiplies 2 matrices (GEMM) with M=4096, N=4096 and K=16. (i.e. matrices 4096 x 16 floats)
I run it on Polaris 560, 16CU GPU.
Code: https://github.com/artyom-beilis/oclblas/blob/master/gemm/gemm.cl
I noticed very strange performance drops for this size, matrix multiplication with this size has ~8-10 GFlops performance while if I change N to 4095 or 4097 I'm getting around 130-150Gflops. I notices similar behaviour with other GEMM libraries like clblas or miopengemm - I'm getting significant performance drop for this particular size of 4096x16 and changing N by 1 boosts the performance several times.
The workload is split into work-groups of 256 threads. Each work-group handles 128x16 and 128x16 matrix tiles (8x8 block per threads).
I tried changing matrix tiling to 96x96 with 6x6 blocks instead of 128x128 with 8x8 - same result.
I tested same code with ROCm 3.7 OpenCL, Clover OpenCL and even with Windows OpenCL driver - same behavior.
There is no such issue with nvidia gtx 960 having same number of gpu cores (threads) and same memory type/size.
I suspect that this is somehow cache/collision related but I don't understand how it happens. Thus I don't know how to work-around it.
Finally I found that clBlas library (developed for AMD originally) handles special case of lda % 1024==0
, ldb % 1024==0
probably due to cache
I found that the better way was to rearrange blocks in z-curve order instead of queuing several kernels.
To handle cases M!=N
or M != 1<<n
I just increased number of work groups on M/N to neares 1<<n
and groups that don't have jobs exit in the begging not adding too much overhead.
z-order improved performance x4 times.