I'm trying to multiply data from 2 different dataframes and my code as below:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'v_contract_number': ['VN120001438','VN120001439',
'Currency': ['VND','USD','KRW','USD','KRW','USD'],
'Amount': [10000,5000,6000,200,150,175]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Currency': ['VND','USD','KRW'],'Rate': [1,23000,1200]})
# df1
v_contract_number Currency Amount
0 VN120001438 VND 10000
1 VN120001439 USD 5000
2 VN120001440 KRW 6000
3 VN120001438 USD 200
4 VN120001439 KRW 150
5 VN120001440 USD 175
Currency Rate
0 VND 1
1 USD 23000
2 KRW 1200
df1 = df1.merge(df2)
df1['VND AMount'] = df1['Amount'].mul(df1['Rate'])
df1.drop('Rate', axis=1, inplace=True)
# result
v_contract_number Currency Amount VND AMount
0 VN120001438 VND 10000 10000
1 VN120001439 USD 5000 115000000
2 VN120001438 USD 200 4600000
3 VN120001440 USD 175 4025000
4 VN120001440 KRW 6000 7200000
5 VN120001439 KRW 150 180000
This is exactly what I want but I would like to know that have another way to not merge and drop as I did? The reason that I drop ‘Rate’ because I dont want it appears in my report.
Thanks and best regards
You can use pandas' map for this:
df2 = df2.set_index('Currency').squeeze() # squeeze converts to a Series
df1.assign(VND_Amount = df1.Amount.mul(df1.Currency.map(df2)))
v_contract_number Currency Amount VND_Amount
0 VN120001438 VND 10000 10000
1 VN120001439 USD 5000 115000000
2 VN120001440 KRW 6000 7200000
3 VN120001438 USD 200 4600000
4 VN120001439 KRW 150 180000
5 VN120001440 USD 175 4025000