I try out the "hello" example in the Transcrypt tutorial but get the following error message:
bash-4.3$ transcrypt hello
Transcrypt (TM) Python to JavaScript Small Sane Subset Transpiler Version 3.9.0
Copyright (C) Geatec Engineering. License: Apache 2.0
Saving target code in:
Saving minified target code in:
Error while compiling (offending file last):
File 'org.transcrypt.__runtime__', line 0, namely:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'java': 'java'
Is the error caused by the Google compilier minifier that needs java? Is there any way to run Transcrypt without java?
I googled that error and found this promising GitHub issue comment which says
You can now compile without minification, so without Java by using the
So, try
transcrypt -n hello