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How to add a row with a multi-word name to a pandas dataframe

I have a dataframe in pandas (called df) and I would like to add a row (called 'Row 5') to it. But the row's name has more than one word. So how would I do this?

This is df

my dataframe

This is the code that I tried, but, as you will read, it ends up in an error.

sum_part = 37 + 55 + 11 + 21
product_part = 37 * 55 * 11 * 21

    np.array([37, 55, 11, 21, sum_part, product_part]),
    index=['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3', 'Column 4', 'Sum', 'Product'],
    name='Row 5')

df = df.append('Row 5')

The specific error that this code causes is: TypeError: cannot concatenate object of type '<class 'str'>'; only Series and DataFrame objs are valid.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!


  • Use variable s for append Series, here np.array is not necessary in Series constructor:

    s = pd.Series([37, 55, 11, 21, sum_part, product_part],
                  index=['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3', 'Column 4', 'Sum', 'Product'],
                  name='Row 5')

    Or is possible pass columns names to index parameter:

    s = pd.Series([37, 55, 11, 21, sum_part, product_part],
                  name='Row 5')

    df = df.append(s)