Is it possible to get the daily costs using the AWS CLI tool?
I am looking for an output similar to the information available via the Cost Explorer in the AWS Web Console. I need a simple way to quickly check the expenses in my AWS account for the last several days.
It is possible to get the daily expenses for the last days using the aws ce
aws ce get-cost-and-usage \
--time-period Start=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" --date="-240 hours"),End=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") \
--granularity=DAILY \
--metrics BlendedCost \
--query "ResultsByTime[].[TimePeriod.Start, Total.BlendedCost.[Amount][0], Total.BlendedCost.[Unit][0]]" \
--output text
2021-07-11 1.9959926052 USD
2021-07-12 2.0098551581 USD
2021-07-13 1.9654925302 USD
2021-07-14 1.9829672821 USD
2021-07-15 1.996039161 USD
2021-07-16 2.0303596042 USD
2021-07-17 2.0193637439 USD
2021-07-18 2.0282529061 USD
2021-07-19 3.1817841617 USD
2021-07-20 5.0995626964 USD