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How can I get the daily costs using the AWS CLI

Is it possible to get the daily costs using the AWS CLI tool?

I am looking for an output similar to the information available via the Cost Explorer in the AWS Web Console. I need a simple way to quickly check the expenses in my AWS account for the last several days.


  • It is possible to get the daily expenses for the last days using the aws ce subcommand:

    aws ce get-cost-and-usage \
     --time-period Start=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" --date="-240 hours"),End=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") \
     --granularity=DAILY \
     --metrics BlendedCost \
     --query "ResultsByTime[].[TimePeriod.Start, Total.BlendedCost.[Amount][0], Total.BlendedCost.[Unit][0]]" \
     --output text


    2021-07-11  1.9959926052    USD
    2021-07-12  2.0098551581    USD
    2021-07-13  1.9654925302    USD
    2021-07-14  1.9829672821    USD
    2021-07-15  1.996039161     USD
    2021-07-16  2.0303596042    USD
    2021-07-17  2.0193637439    USD
    2021-07-18  2.0282529061    USD
    2021-07-19  3.1817841617    USD
    2021-07-20  5.0995626964    USD