Search code examples

How do I create a custom format, formula or VBA code for the below examples?

I have a long list of IPs in Excel that are in an invalid format for a certain site. I have to change/retype each one manually in order to upload the file to the site.

How do I create a custom formula, vba, or format code for the following examples?

The IP format on the left needs to be in the format on the right.


123.45.678.0 - 123.45.679.255   should be -->   123.45.678-679.*
123.45.678.9 - 123.45.678.12  should be -->   123.45.678.9-12
a.b.c.d - a.b.e.f   should be -->   a.b.c-e.*       
a.b.c.d - a.b.c.f   should be -->   a.b.c.d-f

QuickAnalysis Autofill/Flashfill is not activating when I complete a few manually. In other words, Excel isn't picking up the pattern or filling in the rest for me.


  • I made a function that converts string inputs into your requested format.

    It uses the Split function to compare each part of the ip address from the starting and ending range.

    Function ipFormatter(ByVal ipRange As String) As String
        'Skip inputs with no "-"
        If InStr(1, ipRange, "-") = 0 Then
            ipFormatter = ipRange
            Exit Function
        End If
        'Removing all spaces
        ipRange = Replace(ipRange, " ", "")
        'Splitting the ip addresses into arrays of strings
        Dim ipStart() As String, ipEnd() As String
        ipStart = Split(Split(ipRange, "-")(0), ".")
        ipEnd = Split(Split(ipRange, "-")(1), ".")
        Dim ipOut() As String
        ReDim ipOut(UBound(ipStart))
        Dim i As Long, setRange As Boolean
        For i = LBound(ipStart) To UBound(ipStart)
            If setRange Then
                'After a range
                ipOut(i) = "*"
            ElseIf ipStart(i) = ipEnd(i) Then
                'Exact Match
                ipOut(i) = ipStart(i)
                'IP Range found
                ipOut(i) = ipStart(i) & "-" & ipEnd(i)
                setRange = True 'All values after this one will be "*"
            End If
        Next i
        ipFormatter = Join(ipOut, ".")
    End Function

    Here are examples of how to use the function

    Sub test()
        Const inputstr As String = "123.45.678.0 - 123.45.679.255"
        MsgBox ipFormatter(inputstr)
    End Sub
    Sub example()
        Dim Sht As Worksheet
        Set Sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
        Dim lastrow As Long
        lastrow = Sht.Rows(Sht.Rows.Count).Cells(1).End(xlUp).Row
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To lastrow
            Sht.Cells(i, 2) = ipFormatter(Sht.Cells(i, 1))
        Next i
    End Sub