I have the following issue: I have a windows form app where I print reports and they are supposed to have barcodes on them. When I am in the .rdlc file designer the barcode shows like this:
(The weird crossed out circles I assume is from the square brackets and the @ symbol because data is coming from a parameter). So when I print this out, everything prints out fine, but the thing is, the barcode font I am using is supposed to also have text underneath like this:
Now when I go into Word and type in the same barcode font (I triple checked it is the same) it behaves as expected I looked all over the place but there are literally no posts anywhere that I could find that would help me besides this one by Microsoft It just tells me I need that .dll file but I already have it and still same results.
UPDATE: so the other report that also has barcodes works just fine, the barcodes that work are: *1868210325S0000100004* , *S00001+000001+00004+FIEG0P01* , *EDG20210325000374570*
barcode that does NOT work: *JLI-0253932*
it takes the value from a parameter "liNumber" which is populated like so:
parameters[6] = new ReportParameter("liNumber", "J" + fidelity.liNumber, true);
where fidelity.liNumber
returns LI-0253932
But what I don't understand is that all working barcodes are populated in a similar fashion
Recreating the parameter in both .cs file like so
string jliNumber = "J" + fidelity.liNumber;
parameters[6] = new ReportParameter("liNumber", jliNumber, true);
and then in the report .rdlc file just deleting and creating the same parameter again worked for some reason