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Send keys not working with Page Object Model

I'm just starting to experiment with Page Object Models using Protractor on a non-angular application. I'm not a newbie, but nowhere near an expert so forgive me if my verbiage is all wrong. I've been researching and trying suggestions for days with no luck. I have this element-

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="form_component_data[AgentsSettings][agent][chat_welcome_msg]" id="agentssettings-agent-chat_welcome_msg" value="How can I help">

In my POM I have

var txtWelcomemessage = element(by.css("input[name='form_component_data[AgentsSettings][agent][chat_welcome_msg]']"));

    this.clearWelcomemessage = function(){

    this.clearWelcomemessage = function(){

    this.setWelcomemessage = function(){

In My Test Script I have


settings.setWelcomemessage('Hey, Hey, Hey');

Clear message works, I see the cursor in the field after clearing the message, but send keys does nothing and there are no errors.

However, when I enter the code below directly into the test script, the message clears and the send keys works perfectly.

[chat_welcome_msg]']")).sendKeys('Hey, Hey, Hey');

This is the 3rd field I am working with in the application so far. The first two fields work using the POM without any issue. I'm not sure what's different about this one. I can use this as a work around, but I'm just wondering what I'm missing in the page object.


  • If your real code looks like this:

    settings.setWelcomemessage('Hey, Hey, Hey');

    Then this will not work, because all of these operations are asynchronius functions. Means, that they do not execute "linear". Other programming languages do usually wait for a function to finish before going to next line, but in case of async operations in js/nodejs it's not the case.

    Please try to properly await each of the functions executed::

    settings.clearWelcomemessage().then(() => {
        console.log('cleared welcome messgae! ')
        return browser.sleep('5000').then(() => {
            console.log('slept 5000')
            return settings.setWelcomemessage('Hey, Hey, Hey').then(() => {
                console.log('welcome message set!')
                return browser.sleep('5000').then(() => {
                    console.log('second sleap done!')
    }).catch(err => console.error('error occured!', err))

    You also have to adjust the functions itself. They execute async operations and you should always return the result, since they return a Promise object. Docs


    Actually, add a parameter to sendKeys() . Wuithout no keys would be sent..

    this.clearWelcomemessage = function(){
            return txtWelcomemessage.clear();
        this.clearWelcomemessage = function(){
            return txtWelcomemessage.clear();
        // add message parameter. Or no message will be sent :) 
        this.setWelcomemessage = function(message){
            return txtWelcomemessage.sendKeys(message);

    If that solves the problem, you should learn about promises resp. async & await etc.

    If you are aware of async operations and how they work, please adjust your code in the question since it's not the original code..