I'm currently working on an Angular project that creates a bunch of dynamic components and I want each one to have a different color based upon the results of a call to a service that it makes on initialization. The code for the component is as follows:
selector: 'app-step',
templateUrl: './step.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./step.component.css'],
providers: [DisplayService, MessageService]
export class StepComponent implements OnInit {
//a bunch of other functions and a constructor
findSolutions(defect: Defect): void {
//this is where I make the call to the service
this.defectService.getSolutions(defect, this.displayService).subscribe(solutions => {
if(solutions[0] === undefined) {
//HERE I want to change the back-ground color of .boxed (element
//in the style file) to yellow
else if(solutions !== undefined) {
//HERE I want to change the back-ground color of .boxed to green
ngOnInit(): void {
Can someone help me figure out how to use HostBinding?
Why don't you use NgClass to add or remove a class dependant on a component property bool or value?