On Azure ML Workspace Notebook, I'm trying to get my workspace instance, as seen at
I have a config file and I am running the notebook in an Azure compute instance.
I tried to execute Workspace.from_config().
As a result, I'm getting the 'MSIAuthentication' object has no attribute 'get_token' error.
I tried to submit both MsiAuthentication
and InteractiveLoginAuthentication
, as suggested in
There are 2 solutions I've found:
1.- Use the kernel "Python 3.6 - AzureML"
2.- pip install azureml-core --upgrade
This will upgrade
azureml-core to 1.32.0
But will downgrade:
azure-mgmt-resource to 13.0.0 (was 18.0.0)
azure-mgmt-storage down to 11.2.0 (was 18.0.0)
urllib3 to 1.26.5 (was 1.26.6)
This upgrade / downgrade allows the same package versions as in the python 3.6 anaconda install