I'm trying to deploy this docker GCE project in a deploy.yaml
but every time I update my git repository, the server goes down due to 1.
The original instance being deleted and 2. The new instance hasn't finished starting up yet (or at least the web app hasn't finished starting up yet).
What command should I use or how should I change this so that I have a canary deployment that destroys the old instances once a new one is up (I only have one instance running at a time)? I have no health checks on the instance group, only the load balancer.
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
args: ['compute', 'instance-groups', 'managed', 'rolling-action', 'replace', 'a-group', '--max-surge', '1']
Thanks for the help!
Like John said - you can set max-unavailable
and max-surge
variables to alter the behavior of your deployment during updates.