I want to write test functions for my code and decided to use pytest. I had a look into this tutorial: https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/testing-python-applications-with-pytest
My real code involves another script, written by me, so I made an example, which also creates the same problem, but does not rely on my other code.
def example():
value = 10
return value
def test_value(example):
assert(example == 10)
When I run my script with this toy example, the print returns a function:
<function example at 0x0391E540>
and the assertion fails.
If I try to call example() with the parenthesis, I get this:
Failed: Fixture "example_chunks" called directly. Fixtures are not meant to be called directly, but are created automatically when test functions request them as parameters. See https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/fixture.html for more information about fixtures, and https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/deprecations.html#calling-fixtures-directly about how to update your code.
I am sure, I am missing something important here, but searching google did not help me, which is why I hope somebody here can provide some assistance.
pytest file.py
Fixtures will be automatically resolved by pytest
In your example you run code directly and fixtures are just simple functions