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ASP.Net core razor - looping through HTML table, how to comma separate the values and sent to JavaScript function

I am using ASP.Net core with razor pages.

I have a table in html, and using razor syntax looping the class object in this HTML table, as code below.

Now I want to get the values while looping the table, save / concatenate with comma separated the values through the looping and send it as a variable to a JavaScript function. This save/ concatenate and send it as a variable to a JavaScript function part I am not sure how to do. Any help would be grateful.

            @if (Model.EmployeeDetails != null)
                <table id="EmpDetail" class="table table-bordered">
                            <th style="width: 30%">Name</th>
                            <th style="width: 70%">Age</th>
                        @foreach (DTO.Employee emp in Model.EmployeeDetails)
                                <td style="width: 30%"></td> 
// Here I need to concatenate with comma separation to a variable 
and after the looping ends send to javascript function
                                <td style="width: 70%">@emp.age</td>

<script type="text/javascript">jsFunctionCall("variableCommaSeperatedValues");</script> // here is the JavaScript 
function call with paramter conatianing comma separated values from above 


  • You can try to use a hidden input to save the variable.Here is a demo:

                @if (Model.EmployeeDetails != null)
                    <table id="EmpDetail" class="table table-bordered">
                                <th style="width: 30%">Name</th>
                                <th style="width: 70%">Age</th>
                            @{ string variable = "";}
                            @foreach (DTO.Employee emp in Model.EmployeeDetails)
                                    <td style="width: 30%"></td> 
    // Here I need to concatenate with comma separation to a variable 
    and after the looping ends send to javascript function
                                    <td style="width: 70%">@emp.age</td>
                                if (variable != "")
                                   variable += ",";
                                variable += + "," + @emp.age;
                    <input id="details" hidden  value="@variable"/>
            <button onclick="getData()">getData</button>

    js(when click button getData,function getData() will be called):

    function getData() {

    result: enter image description here