I'm using R's xml2 package to manipulate an xml file. I know the name of an attribute and want to find the xpath to it.
I know I can search the xml document for a given node name and return the associated xpath. For example, in the below code I'm searching for the node name 'CHILD_NODE' and returning the xpath.
# Make example data
dat <- read_xml(
<CHILD_NODE attr_name='a'>
# Find xpath to CHILD_NODE:
xpath = dat %>%
xml_find_all('//CHILD_NODE') %>%
How can I find the xpath if I instead specify the attribute name? E.g. in the above example I would like to search for the attribute "attr_name
" and return the xpath (/PARENT_NODE/CHILD_NODE)
The proper xpath for that is
dat %>%
xml_find_all('//*[@attr_name]') %>%
The *
searches all nodes and the @
allows you to specify the attribute you want to fine.