I want to find days between 2 dates in Eloquent Query In Laravel. I have Query Like this,
$credentials = Documents::whereIn('agency_id', $agency_ids)
if (count($credentials)) {
foreach ($credentials as $val) {
if ($val['dp_credential']) {
$current_date = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d'));
$expiry_date = new DateTime($val['dp_credential']['expiry_date']);
$interval = $current_date->diff($expiry_date);
$days = $interval->format('%r%a'); // if you getting days in minus then use %r
$val['dp_credential']['days'] = $days;
$val['dp_credential']['is_expiry'] = 0;
if ($days < 30) {
$val['dp_credential']['is_expiry'] = 1;
Eager Loading Relationship
public function dp_credential() {
return $this->hasone('App\Model\ClinicianCredentials', 'document_type', 'id')
->where('clinician_id', Auth::User()->id);
Now I Want to Find days without for each loop in eloquent query between the current date and dp_credential exist one date. and if days less than 30 then I want to add one extra key, is it possible without for each loop.
This works fine but I want this one without for each loop.
Sorry for my Poor English.
You may call other query builder methods to further customize the eager loading operation:
Documents::whereIn('agency_id', $agency_ids)
->with(['dp_credential' => function ($query) {
$query->select(DB::raw('*, datediff(expiry_date, now()) as days, IF(datediff(expiry_date, now()) < 30, 1, 0) as is_expiry'));