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Add a new date row for every day where greater than a date column and less than another date column?

I am trying to add in SQL Server table a new row for every day between two columns, start and end date columns.

Here is a sample table. Add a new row for every day between order and shipping dates, including the start and end dates.

Name Date of Birth Order Date Shipping Date
John Smith 02-24-2001 01-12-2021 01-15-2021
M Jackson 12-16-1992 03-17-2021 03-20-2021

My ideal output table to be like this.

Name Date of Birth Order Date Shipping Date Dates Range
John Smith 02-24-2001 01-12-2021 01-15-2021 01-12-2021
John Smith 02-24-2001 01-12-2021 01-15-2021 01-13-2021
John Smith 02-24-2001 01-12-2021 01-15-2021 01-14-2021
John Smith 02-24-2001 01-12-2021 01-15-2021 01-15-2021
M Jackson 12-16-1992 03-17-2021 03-20-2021 03-17-2021
M Jackson 12-16-1992 03-17-2021 03-20-2021 03-18-2021
M Jackson 12-16-1992 03-17-2021 03-20-2021 03-19-2021
M Jackson 12-16-1992 03-17-2021 03-20-2021 03-20-2021

Note that I have hundreds of rows to duplicate, and date range can be months in some cases, so can not code one by one, looking for a sequence query that can do this for me.


  • One method is a recursive CTE:

    with cte as (
          select Name, Date_of_Birth, Order_Date, Shipping_Date, Order_Date as date_range
          from t
          union all
          select Name, Date_of_Birth, Order_Date, Shipping_Date, 
                 dateadd(day, 1, date_range)
          from cte
          where date_range < coalesce(shipping_date, convert(date, getdate()))
    select *
    from cte
    option (maxrecursion 0);