i stack with livewire Update with checkbox array please help. Form
<form wire:submit.prevent="Update" class="py-3 mb-6">
@foreach ($permissions as $key => $pms)
<input type="checkbox" model:wire="PermissionCheckbox.{{ $key }}" {{ in_array($pms->id , $PermissionCheckbox)? "checked":"" }} />
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Update</button>
Php Function
public function Edit($id){
$role = Role::find($id);
$this->roleId = $role->id;
$this->roleName = $role->name;
$this->PermissionCheckbox = json_decode($role->permissions->pluck('id'));
public function Update(){
'roleName' => 'sometimes|required|unique:roles,name,'.$this->roleId,
'PermissionCheckbox' => 'required'
The result not update with the PermissionCheckbox. Thank you in advance guys.
check your input because it has the wire model inverted the correct is wire:model
<input type="checkbox" wire:model="PermissionCheckbox.{{ $key }}" {{ in_array($pms->id , $PermissionCheckbox)? "checked":"" }} />