I am wondering if there is anyway to (in an .ini file) implement something that when parsed by the parse_ini_file()
(in php) will create a multidimensional array instead of just an associative array?
I've been searching but have came up empty, so I was wondering if anyone over here might have an idea on whether something like this is allowed or not.
file.ini (semi-sudo-code):
input = input1 = ('Hello world this is test #1')
input = input2 = ('Hello world this is test #2')
$array = parse_ini_file("file.ini", true);
Expected output:
[input] => Array
[input1] => Hello world this is test #1
[input2] => Hello world this is test #2
Seems like I found my own answer after figuring out a better way to word my question.
.ini Files can have sections that are enclosed in brackets [ ]
for example:
input1 = ('Hello world this is test #1');
input2 = ('Hello world this is test #2');
This is exactly what I was looking for as the sections (when parsed) turn it into a multidimensional array:
[input] => Array
[input1] => Hello world this is test #1
[input2] => Hello world this is test #2
Definitely should've waited a bit longer and researched a bit more before posting this question, but I'll leave it up for others who may have the same problem as I initially did.