hydra experiment sample:
# @package _global_
- override /segment: segment_RGB
look_up_region : 20
below hydra config which in experiment
mode will pass final value of look_up_region
equal to 10:
- segment: segment_CMYK
look_up_region : 10
and below hydra config which in experiment
mode will pass final value of look_up_region
equal to 20:
- segment: segment_CMYK
look_up_region : ???
really i need the 10 with original config and i need the 20 only with experiment
but i am forced to use ???
how can i solve this?
one more thing, the framework is very awesome,never been happier with so many parameter which we are manage them by hydra.
Ok, found the answer by starting everything from scratch:
removing the colorlog plugin from main config:
- override hydra/job_logging: colorlog
- override hydra/hydra_logging: colorlog
why this do conflict? can i solve this ?
thanks for the kind words, glad to hear Hydra is helping!
Could you provide a minimal repro example on what the issue is here? The code snippets do not have enough info, and I can only guess what is going on here. (it might be easier to do so on our github repo, but it's up to you :) )
In any case, this seems like a question on the composition ordering, you can check out our doc here https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/defaults_list