Search code examples | MongoDB only loads one event

I'm currently working with akka on a new project. But now I'm stuck with a problem.

I added a mongo db to my project and set the journal and snapshotstore. I can persist events and the events will be stored in the database. That works great.

enter image description here

But when I restart the application and the actor starts to recovering the events, the actor only restore the first event. It seems that the Recovery upper SequenceNr Limit is set to 1 but I've already checked that. After the recovery of this first event the actor received the message RecoveryCompleted and the recovery process is finished.

The recovery methods

private void recovers()
    Recover<TenantCreated>(evt =>

    Recover<TenantDeleted>(evt =>

    Recover<SnapshotOffer>(snapshot =>
        this.state = (TenantCollection)snapshot.Snapshot;

    Recover<RecoveryCompleted>(msg =>

One method that persists an event

Command<CreateTenant>(command =>
    Persist(new TenantCreated(command.Id, command.UserId, command.Name, new Guid(command.Id).ToString("N")), evt =>
        var newTenant = applyEvent(evt);



My akka configuration. The connectionString will be loaded with a fallback. With this I can set the connectionString as an environment variable.

persistence {
    journal {
        plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.mongodb"
        mongodb {
            class = "Akka.Persistence.MongoDb.Journal.MongoDbJournal, Akka.Persistence.MongoDb"
            collection = "EventJournal"
            plugin-dispatcher = ""

    snapshot-store {
        plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.mongodb"
        mongodb {
            class = "Akka.Persistence.MongoDb.Snapshot.MongoDbSnapshotStore, Akka.Persistence.MongoDb"
            collection = "SnapshotStore"
            plugin-dispatcher = ""

What is the problem?

Does anyone has the same problem?


  • Yep, looks like this is a bug after all - deleting the metadata table exposed it.

    It's because we don't apply indexes to the collections by default (and haven't ever, by the looks of it - which we missed because the configurations in our test suites are different:)

    So this was really helpful - turns out our large users never had this issue because they ran with auto-initialize=on in their configurations this entire time. You were affected by the defaults being different. - we released Akka.NET v1.4.21 which fixes this.