Search code examples

Format pasted rows within userforum-textbox into concatenation or borderline?

I get a mismatch error in this line :

row_str = Join(cell_rng, Chr(10))

Thank you. I am intermediate.

I attached a piece of the code below:

    Dim last_row As String
    Dim last_col As String
    Dim office_str As String
    Dim lookupVal As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim seperate_cells, cell_rng As Range
    Dim r As Range
    Dim row_str As String        

With Contacts
    For i = 2 To last_row
        Set cell_rng = Rows(i & ":" & i + 1)
        For Each r In cell_rng.Rows
           seperate_cells = cellsSeparator(r.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants))
           If row_str = "" Then
            row_str = Join(cell_rng, Chr(10))
            row_str = row_str & vbLf & Join(cell_rng, Chr(10))
           End If
        Debug.Print row_str
        Client_Finder.result.Text = Client_Finder.result.Text & vbLf & row_str
    Next i       
End With


  • Please try the next way. It will place the values of the necessary specific row in the text box, each value separated by " | ":

    Sub testSeparatorsBetweenRowCells()
     'your existing code...
     Dim arr, rngR As Range
      For i = 2 To last_row
                lookupVal = cells(i, office_str)
                ' Compare ComboBox with the range from the spreadsheet
                If lookupVal = Office_Code Then
                    Set rngR = rows(i & ":" & i).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) 'Set a range which will return all cells value in the row, except the empty ones
                    arr = arrCells(rngR)  'call a function able to make an array from the range set in the above line
                    Client_Finder.result.Text = Client_Finder.result.Text & vbLf & Join(arr, " | ") 'add the text obtained by joining the array to the next line of existing text
                End If
        Next i
    End Sub
    Function arrCells(rng As Range) As Variant
       Dim arr, Ar As Range, i As Long, C As Range
       ReDim arr(rng.cells.count - 1) 'ReDim the array to be filled as the range cells number.
                                               '- 1, because the array is 0 based...
       For Each Ar In rng.Areas       'iterate between the range areas
            For Each C In Ar.cells      'iterate between cells of each area
                arr(i) = C.value: i = i + 1 'put each cell value in the array
       arrCells = arr                      'make the function returning the arr
    End Function

    If the text in the text box still goes on the next line, try making the text box property WordWrap False. If you cannot see all the text, make the textbox wider or decrease its font size.

    Please, test it and send some feedback.

    Edited: Please, try understanding the next piece of code, able to deal with copying more rows at once:

    Sub testCopyingMoreRows()
       Dim sh As Worksheet, i As Long, rng As Range, r As Range, arr, strRow As String
       Set sh = ActiveSheet
       i = 9
       Set rng = sh.rows(i & ":" & i + 1)
       'you ca select cells, rows (even not consecutive) and use:
       'Set rng = Selection.EntireRow 'just uncomment this code line...
       'extract rows and paste their contents (exept the empty cells) in Imediate Window
       For Each r In rng.rows
            arr = arrCells(r.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants))
            If strRow = "" Then
                strRow = Join(arr, " | ")
                strRow = strRow & vbLf & Join(arr, " | ")
            End If
       Debug.Print strRow
       'instead returning in Imediate Window, you can do it in your text box (uncomment the next line):
       'Client_Finder.result.Text = Client_Finder.result.Text & vbLf & strRow
    End Sub

    The code uses the same function arrCells...