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How to clear database table for embeddable type in Quarkus test

I need to clear the tables of my database in a Quarkus application. I am able to achieve this for Entities extending either PanacheEntity or PanacheEntityBase by calling entity.deleteAll(). How can I clear table for embeddable types?


  • So I was able to fix the issue myself and here's what I did:

    1. Inject an EntityManager instance
    2. In the clean up method (tearDown() in my case), I wrote and executed a native query to clear my table "course_description". Note: I have an entity Course and an embeddable CourseDescription. CourseDescription is embedded in Course Example:
    public List<CourseDescription> courseDescriptions;

    My Test Class:

        EntityManager entityManager;


        public void tearDown(){
            Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("DELETE FROM course_description")
                    .setHint(COMMENT, "Custom cleanup for embeddable type CourseDescription");

    Update: I could have simply set CourseDescription to null and let JPA take care of the cleanup.

        public void tearDown(){
                    .forEach(course -> {
                        Course c = (Course) course;
                        c.courseDescription = null;