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How to add the extracted values from raster stack to the data.frame of the Spatial object using terra package?

I want to add the extracted values from raster stack to the data.frame of the Spatial object using terra package

f <- system.file("ex/logo.tif", package="terra")
r <- rast(f)
#Plot the raster
plot(r, 1:3)

#Create a vector file
points <- = 40, Latitude = 40, val = 0.5)
points <-, points, points+1)
points_vect <- vect(points, geom=c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs=crs(r, proj=T),
     type = "points")

#Extract the values from raster using the point vector
terra::extract(r, points_vect, xy = T, method = "simple")

#>   ID red green blue  x  y
#> 1  1 255   255  253 30 30
#> 2  2 149   159  186 40 40
#> 3  3 146   156  207 50 50

As you can see from the output val filed is not there which we used to get using sp aurgument of raster package. Now how can I have the val field added in the extracted data.frame?


  • Since terra::extract extract values with the order of elements in the vector, you can simply cbind the field to the extracted dataframe or add the needed field as a column with $

    ex <- terra::extract(r, points_vect, xy = T, method = "simple")
    ex$val <- points_vect$val


    The fastest option for extracting raster values is exact_extract in the exactextract package, which has an argument (called append_cols) to attach the vector field to the data.frame resulting from the extraction. exact_extract accepts only polygon data (as sf object) as input, but you can get around this by applying a buffer to your points and summarise the values. See the example below

    point_sf <- st_as_sf(points_vect)
    point_sf <- st_buffer(point_sf,1)
    ex <- exactextractr::exact_extract(stack(r),point_sf,fun="mean",append_cols="val")
    #you can summarise values using a vector of functions
    ex <- exactextractr::exact_extract(stack(r),point_sf,fun=c("mean","median","max","min"),append_cols="val")