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iterate over data source for a list of secrets arn

I have a few secerts in aws that were created manually. Is there a way to list them with data "aws_secretsmanager_secret"?

My goal is to get an list/index of the ARNs and then use it in a daymnic block. I want to try and avoid writing multiple data source blocks.

All the sercerts have a similar naming prefix:


The <db-user> changes of course from user to user. So I guess I'm looking to iterate with data source over all secrets which falls into this naming pattern and get a list of their ARN. After that use each ARN indie a daymnic block

The daynic block will be used inside resource "aws_db_proxy" in the auth block


  • if anyone will find this useful I manged to do it like this:

    locals {
           secrets_list = [
    data "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "rds_secrets" {
      for_each = toset(local.secrets_list)
      name = each.key
    resource "aws_db_proxy" "rds_db_proxy" {
      name = "${var.env-name}-rds-proxy"
      engine_family = "MYSQL"
      idle_client_timeout = 900
      require_tls = true
      dynamic "auth" {
        for_each = local.secrets_list
        content {
          secret_arn  =  data.aws_secretsmanager_secret.rds_secrets[auth.value].arn
          auth_scheme = "SECRETS"
          iam_auth    = "REQUIRED"