I have implemented App Fabric Labs' mechanism for authentication into my MVC3 app so now I can log in with Facebook, Google, Yahoo and LiveID. yea!!
now, what if a user doesn't want to use any of those systems? I need to provide "traditional" signup forms. I'm thinking that calls for implementing an identity provider so my app can be left unmodified.
any templates/projects out there all ready for use?
thx - e
The WIF SDK comes with a few project templates: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=4451
To use them you have to start a new "Website" (not "Project") in Visual Studio: File -> New... -> Website
The "ASP.NET Security Token Web Site" template is what you want.
For a more complex STS solution I recommend you to have a look at http://identityserver.codeplex.com/.