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Hyphen (-) in XML element is becoming Underscore (_) when converting it into JSON in Ruby

My XML elements have dates separated with hyphens and starting with an underscore to keep the XML valid.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

I converted the document into JSON using Nokogiri and Active Support. Here is the code:-

require 'json'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions'
s ='../data/currency_source.xml')
x = Nokogiri::XML(s)
newX = Hash.from_xml(x.to_s) #Even though I use Hash.from_xml(x).to_json, it throws an error "does not have a valid root"

puts JSON.pretty_generate(newX)

The above code prints information in Hash, the dates should be _2018-12-11 but it is displaying as _2018_12_11.

When I only print the XML, it displays the date element correctly but not after converting it into JSON.

Is there something I can work around to get the Dates in the correct format i.e. separated by hyphens, not underscores?

P.S. I have also tried Crack and CobraVsMongoose. Crack is also producing the same undesired date format. However, CobraVsMongoose is maintaining the hyphens correctly but it is appending $ symbol unnecessarily.


  • This conversion is explicitly done in the ActiveSupport code for .from_xml. From the source, the keys of the converted hash are normalized to remove dashes:

    def normalize_keys(params)
      case params
      when Hash
        Hash[ { |k, v| ["-", "_"), normalize_keys(v)] } ]
      when Array { |v| normalize_keys(v) }

    There is no comment to explain why this is necessary or desirable, and there is no option/switch to skip the normalization. One possible workaround would be to use a different delimiter (e.g., _2018.12.10) in your XML source keys and then convert them to dashes once you've got them safely into a Hash.