I added this custom field to my customer and to the register form in storefront/component/account/register.html.twig
<input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="alumni" name="custom_kw_dau" value="1">
The field is type checkbox. It works fine in the backend but it is not filled during customer registration.
You have to manually store it. Subscribe to event and add the field to customFields
in the output like this:
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
CustomerEvents::MAPPING_REGISTER_CUSTOMER => 'addCustomField'
public function addCustomField(DataMappingEvent $event): bool
$inputData = $event->getInput();
$outputData = $event->getOutput();
$custom_field = (bool)$inputData->get('custom_kw_dau', false);
$outputData['customFields'] = array('custom_kw_dau' => $custom_field);
return true;