I would like to update the order in shopware 6 using API, As I have checked we can fetch order using the below URL
But, I would like to update the order using API.
As I have checked it was in shopware 5 with the below link
What the details should be pass and how we can use put method on this.
Thank you.
It works similar with Shopware 6. If you have a test system (not production) you can see the API overview at /api/_info/swagger.html
You should have a look at /api/_info/swagger.html#/Order/updateOrder
PATCH /order/{id}
There are also API endpoints for order address, customer, delivery, line item and transaction.
You might also checkout this: https://shopware.stoplight.io/docs/store-api/storeapi.json/paths/~1order~1payment/post