I am fairly new to Julia and got confused with the following code. After a function LucasTree is defined, it is used again as lt. Does Julia have some kind of role where I can recall a function using the uppercase abbreviation? If so, where can I find a nice reference for this feature?
function LucasTree(;γ = 2.0,
β = 0.95,
α = 0.9,
σ = 0.1,
grid_size = 100)
ϕ = LogNormal(0.0, σ)
shocks = rand(ϕ, 500)
# build a grid with mass around stationary distribution
ssd = σ / sqrt(1 - α^2)
grid_min, grid_max = exp(-4ssd), exp(4ssd)
grid = range(grid_min, grid_max, length = grid_size)
# set h(y) = β * int u'(G(y,z)) G(y,z) ϕ(dz)
h = similar(grid)
for (i, y) in enumerate(grid)
h[i] = β * mean((y^α .* shocks).^(1 - γ))
return (γ = γ, β = β, α = α, σ = σ, ϕ = ϕ, grid = grid, shocks = shocks, h = h)
function lucas_operator(lt, f)
# unpack input
@unpack grid, α, β, h = lt
z = lt.shocks
Af = LinearInterpolation(grid, f, extrapolation_bc=Line())
Tf = [ h[i] + β * mean(Af.(grid[i]^α .* z)) for i in 1:length(grid) ]
return Tf
No, this does not exist. It would be too nonunique to be practical, and moreover function names in Julia by convention should be entirely lowercase (structs/types can be CamelCase, but not functions, with the possible exception of constructors*).
In any case, all that is happening here in the code you have posted is that the function lucas_operator
takes two arguments, lt
and f
, which can then be used within that lucas_operator
function. These could in principle be anything, and regardless of what they are named outside the scope of the function, they will be named lt
and f
within the scope of the function. So for example:
function example(foo, bar)
return foo(2*bar)
if you then call
example(somereallylongfunctionname, somevariable)
then that will return the equivalent of
or similarly
example(SomeImproperlyCapitalizedFunction, somevariable)
# equivalent to SomeImproperlyCapitalizedFunction(2*somevariable)
in either case, regardless of its name outside the scope of the example
function, the first argument passed to the function will be known as foo
within the function.
Aside about constructors: that would be a function that is used to construct a custom type. This doesn't quite do that, but it does return an instance of a NamedTuple
which then seems to be treated somewhat like a type/struct in the subsequent code, so perhaps it could be counted as a constructor.