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Introduce a box with special symbols in Gnuplot

I want to have a gnuplot with a box on the right top corner like the one below. My difficulties are both:

  1. how to get \hat{Q} in a the legend?
  2. how to add a box containing the titles?

enter image description here


  • set term cairolatex eps standalone size 3in,3in
    set output 'Q.tex'
    set key box opaque samplen 0.5
    plot for [i=1:4] sinc(x)**i title sprintf('\tiny${\hat{Q}=%d}$',i) lw 2

    The standalone keyword wraps the output in minimal LaTeX commands so that you can run latex Q directly. Omit this if you want to produce a LaTeX fragment for including in a larger document.

    I show how to construct a formatted title that includes a LaTeX font size. Note that the format uses single quotes rather than double quotes.

    This example uses cairolatex eps because you specifically asked about an eps file. Normallay I would use cairolatex png or cairolatex pdf and process afterwards with pdflatex rather than plain latex.

    enter image description here