I've installed a certificate using Let's Encrypt Certbot. The site is reachable and connection is secure.
Say the site is www.xxxyyy.xyz
but any route in there www.xxxyyy.xyz/route
jumps to non-secure connection, and the site closes. Any idea what could be the problem?
The way I linked the certificate on an express server is the following:
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const http = require('http');
const express = require('express');
const app = require('./app');
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/twotravelers.xyz/privkey.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/twotravelers.xyz/fullchain.pem'),
var portSecure = '443';
var port = '80';
var httpsServer = https.createServer(/*options,*/ app).listen(portSecure, function(){
console.log("https at port" + portSecure);
var httpServer = http.createServer(app).listen(port, function(){
console.log('http at port'+port)
Any ideas?
Found out the problem. For reading paths I was using:
When running the app on the server, I set up a service, and this changes the working directory to root /
We can either add the absolute path:
Or add a workingDirectory
to the service file (which is what I did).
That was messing the path to certificates and other directories.
Probably the best option is to npm install dotenv
and control the behavior with environmental variables.