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Java Process(Builder) with Unix: cant run program

I want to execute a shell command via Java and tried using ProcessBuilder.class and Process.class:

public Process createProcess() throws IOException 
            List<String> cmds = new ArrayList<>();
            cmds.add("start_date=\"2021-07-04\" && echo \"Starting with startdate=$start_date\""); 
            return (new ProcessBuilder(cmds)).start();

When I execute the exact same command on my shell, it works. When I do this in Java I get: Cannot run program "start_date="2021-06-10" (shorted ...)": error=2, No such file or directory

(I also tried it without the variable start_date by entering the date directly)

Why won't it work? Can I configure somehow, that Java knows that this is not a file etc.?


  • you can write script in separate .sh file and pass the path of file and any parameter that is need for script execution ( here you may need to pass startDate)

    Then you can execute it as below as below

       String[] cmd = {"sh","-c",pathOfShellScript+" "+ startDate}; 
       ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
       Process proc = pb.start();