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Programming arrays in LMC

I am working on this challenge:

The program needs to accept a sequence of integers. It ends with number 999. The integers (except 999) are placed in a list. The integers must be less than or equal to 99. Any inputs greater than 99 are not placed in the list.

If the input would have more than ten numbers, only the first ten are stored.

999 is not part of the output.

I don't know how to limit the list length to ten (10) numbers. Also I don't know how to output the list in reverse order.

This is my code:

start   INP
        STA temp
        SUB big
        BRZ doout
        LDA temp
        SUB hundred
        BRP start
        sub one
        STA N
xx      STA ARR
        LDA xx
        add one
        sta xx
        BRA start
doout   HLT
temp    dat 0
big     dat 999
hundred dat 100
ARR     dat
one     dat 1
N       dat 10 


  • The xx in your program show that you haven't taken the hint from How can I store an unknown number of inputs in different addresses in LMC (little-man-computer)?

    It explains how you can have self-modifying code to walk through an array -- either to store values or to load them.

    In your attempt there is no section that deals with outputting.

    For the start section of the program I would actually suggest to subtract first the 100 and then 899 (which amounts to 999). That way you can keep the (reducing) input in the accumulator without having to restore it.

    Also, due to an ambiguity in the specification of LMC, it is not entirely "safe" to do a BRZ right after a SUB (this is because the content of the accumulator is undefined/unspecified when there is underflow, so in theory it could be 0). You should always first do a BRP before doing a BRZ in the branched code. However, as input cannot be greater than 999, a BRP is enough to detect equality.

    For the self modifying part, you can set an end-marker in your array data section, and define the LDA and STA instructions that would read/store a value at the end of the array. Whenever your code has that exact instruction, you know you have reached the end.

    Here is how it can work:

              LDA store # Initialise dynamic store instruction
              STA dyna1
    loop      INP
    dyna1     STA array
              SUB toobig
              BRP skip
              LDA dyna1
              ADD one
              STA dyna1
              SUB staend
              BRP print
              BRA loop
    skip      SUB trailer
              BRP print # Safer to do BRP than BRZ
              BRA loop # Input was less than 999
    print     LDA dyna1 # Convert dynamic store instruction
              SUB store # ... to index
              ADD load # ... to load instruction
              STA dyna2
    loop2     LDA dyna2
              SUB one
              STA dyna2
              SUB load
              BRP dyna2
    end       HLT # all done
    dyna2     LDA array
              BRA loop2
    store     STA array
    load      LDA array
    staend    STA after
    one       DAT 1
    toobig    DAT 100
    trailer   DAT 899
    array     DAT
    after     DAT
    <script src="[email protected]/lmc.js"></script>

    As you can see (while running the script here), the instructions at dyna1 and dyna2 are modified during the execution of the loop they are in.